Ho'oponopono Explained: Forgiveness Through Hawaiian Prayer

Hawaii's ancient practice of forgiveness can be a comfort for those who are struggling with the idea. It's called the Ho'oponopono, a wonderful Hawaiian prayer for forgiveness.

This age-old Hawaiian method of forgiveness serves two purposes: it is a communication tool for reconciliation and it can also be used to restore balance and self-love.

It works in practice almost like a self love mantra. It's also very easy to get to grips with, which surprises many people that try it for the first time.

What Does Ho'oponopono Mean?

hawaiian prayerHo'oponopono literally means "causing a return to balance" or "make it right."

This is a rather Zen concept, since in Hawaiian, the word "pono" is a term that means balance when referring to life. The takeaway is that if everything is in balance, then nothing is unbalanced.

This prayer can be chanted over and over to purge the body of any guilt, haunting memory, shame, ill will or other negative feelings that propagate negative thoughts becoming a fixation.

It is a deeply resonant forgiveness practice that can penetrate that inner conversation that we all have with ourselves over the course of time.

Follow the below instructions to try it for yourself:

The Mantra:

"I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you"

As a form of meditation and to clean your mind of unwanted bed feelings, you can chant this mantra while you sit with your eyes closed.

Again, this is how the practical ho'oponopono prayer goes:

"I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you"

That's all it is! This is certainly something we can all use easily, because there is so little to have to remember.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you"

Considering how universal and simple these words are, the process is quite touching while also being very calming.

Reciting these four phrases regularly can help you develop self-love and boost your self-esteem when it is most needed. It's a beautiful, soothing lullaby for the self and an insightful way to forgive others.

This traditional Hawaiian forgiveness prayer is powerful because it requires that you first acknowledge the wrong done and then apologize.

Helping Others

It is universally necessary to have others acknowledge our feelings. In ho'oponopono you first need to acknowledge that wrongdoing exists.

This is a way of acknowledging those feelings. Only then can you forgive yourself and others.

Finally, acknowledge your love for others as well as for yourself.

People tend to make the mistake of believing forgiveness is a complete absolution or the erasure of wrongdoing. This is not correct, as by ignoring and not addressing hurt feelings, the door is left open for their inevitable return.

Understanding True Forgiveness

True forgiveness does not mean ignoring or forgetting. In Honoponopono, the wrongdoing are acknowledged and everyone is allowed to have a place for their feelings.

We first acknowledge the existence of the problem. When we are ready, the conscious decision to move on can then be made.

True forgiveness requires a combination of attention and intention. It is a liberating sensation that feels like you have lifted an invisible weight, when it is done correctly.

The ho'oponopono prayer was, historically, an ancient form of mutual reconciliation for families that were divided, (Ohana).

It is still a very effective mediation technique for forgiveness when used today. This can be used to help people move past hurt feelings or resentment towards other people. It is also a wonderful way to heal oneself.

It's a great way to feel better and bring yourself up, especially if you harbor much guilt.

Ho'oponopono: Forgive Yourself

The best way to practice using meditation with ho'oponopono is to begin by taking several deep breaths with eyes closed.

Repeat the mantra slowly several times. "I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you"... "I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you" and so forth.

Let the message resonate by ending with several minutes of silence. As you open your eyes, ask yourself, ″How do I feel?″

You can also experience the prayer passively by listening to a recording of the ho'oponopono mantra in the background. You can get positive vibes which can help you cultivate more self-love, compassion and empathy.

Remember: It's much better to forgive than to take on the responsibility of blaming others while moving forward. Only by forgiving then moving on is it possible to attain a higher place.